Sunday, November 2, 2008

TART Championship 11-2-2008

First Run Group... wonderful.

So i spent the night in SD at Romel's place so that i could help him early in the morning to setup the course. We showed up at 5:30am at the site and NO BODY was there. Damnit Romel, he "thought" everyone would be there by that time. 6:30am Came around and people started coming finally. I was able to walk the course 2 times which was good because there were 2 sections that were difficult to remember. Looking ahead would be key for this course.

11-2-2008 TART Results

Lately Jason Flores and myself have been trying to help tune out the suspension on the Rios family STS Civic. And in return, i got to compete in it for this event. The car is FANTASTIC! There used to be a wheelspin issue with this car, but we have slowly tuned it out. The car needs to be at a set ride height, and another corner balance should make the car fly.
rios 1

rios 3

rios 2

Funny thing tho today... I drove the Rios Civic while my co-driver Romel used our red civic against me!!!... Not only that but the car ended up being 2 Driver!!! Marco Vasquez's Subaru was not working in time for this weekend's championship. So i was kind enough to lend him the car.

Cliff Notes: I drove against two fast STS drivers who were racing in my car!!!

I ended up taking 1st. YAY!!! another 1st to add on the list. Things are looking great. My fastest run for class was my second run. Although i went faster in my 3rd and 4th run... i got too greedy and ended up coning in stupid areas.

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