Sunday, November 16, 2008

SCAT Championship 11-16-08

I told myself that i ought to post up my blogs right away instead of an event behind...


11-16-08 Results

11-16-08 PAX

*RiNg RiNg RinG!!!*
there goes the alarm clock. Signaling that its time to wake up and go to the races. I spent the night at Romel's place again in San Diego Prior to Race Day. This makes it easier for me to be fresh and ready to race rather than in a hurry. So we wake up and head on over to Qualcomm. Our run group is 2nd and we have to work 1st. Not too bad... it was okay cold outside and the surface temperature was beginning to increase. Didn't look like grip would be an issue today.

1st Run
Not too bad, pretty conservative first run but it ended up being good enough to claim 1st... but DOH! I coned... no bueno

2nd Run
WHOO HOOO now thats what im talking about! Time to go fast... but doh! another stupid cone. I wanted to keep the course as tight as possible and apparently i got a little greedy.

3rd Run
Finally a clean run but still not enough to claim 1st. I felt the car wasn't soft enough up front so i turned down the shock 1/8 turn.

4th Run
YES! put up an upset in STS!!! on my last run. I was the only car on course so everyone was paying attention to my run. Felt GREAT although not as fast as my Raw time, it was good enough and CLEAN to claim first. Not bad for an unprepared car against 2 nationally prepped STS civics.

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