Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 14, 2008 - NO$ Practice Event

This had to have been the most productive practice i have ever attended. I would like to thank my friend Jason Flores and his Co-Driver Stephen Yeoh for allowing me to practice with their STS civic. It feels so much different from my civic and it has that race car feel that my car lacks (good and bad).

Anyways, Jason gave me plenty good pointers which i had already knew... only he confirmed them for me. EF civics love short lines-grip lines. I tried to slip the car every now and then throughout the day to get an idea if the car would like it or not. I personally believe an EF sts civic should be at that limit of corner entry grip and slip at the same time. Hard to conceive but by the looks of how Ken Montonishi's car is setup, and his driving skills.... that type of style is possible with the right driver.

Quote of the day goes to me though =).
"STS civic driven by Jon Lugod comes in with a 66.803"

"...who is that guy (towards Jason Flores)" - Ken Montonishi

HAHAHA!!! YAY at least im getting the attention from "near" perfect driver Ken Montonishi. By the end of the day i ended of the morning session both me and Jason were within .5xx seconds of Ken. This made our day, but then by the end of the event Ken beat me by 1 second and Jason by .6xx

Not too shabby, but puts us in our place as drivers. I know i still need a lot of experience and seat time to get faster. Thanks to this practice i will be going into the SD California Divisional with more confidence and technique. So thank you Jason.

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